Sunday 3 January 2016

OUGD405 - Study Task 03 - Public Information Video/Research Page

This study task asked me to analyse one of a given 29 given public information films. I decided to use Lonely Water and worked on a number of questions that asked to Identify and analyse the message, key facts, tone of voice and audience within the film.

I believe this film was created in order to scare children away from waters edge. It shows that whilst the children play by the water death is present as the children are at threat but when they walk away death leaves and they are no longer in danger. This public information film will have wanted the target audience to watch this and think that playing by the water will lead to death and that it is safer to be there with other people 

The main fact given says that you shouldn't play around near dangerous water however it's said in a more playful way by the narrator. It also notes that if you ignore the no swimming sign you're a fool. This is how he warns the viewer to be sensible. He again does this at the end of the film where a boy is drowning in deep water but sensible children come to help. Before leaving he quotes:"Sensible children, I have no power over them". This is again trying to convince the viewer to be sensible and stay away from the waters edge.

The tone of voice is formal and clear. The narrator doesn't convey any emotion but whispers throughout the film like he wasn't really there. He also warns the target audience throughout the film rather than cause the accidents he is thought to have caused.                                     
All the children in the film are around the same age suggesting this is their target audience. However the film has dark undertones where death is often and children are playing in wastelands. Because of this I believe the target audience would be between the older ages of 12-16.

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