Monday 26 March 2018

OUGD603 - Research brief - Briefing

Our course requires us to produce a brief that is heavily influence by research. Having done something similar within my COP module, I had a good idea how I would complete the project. As Ben and I have already completed the identity for WYS, we felt it was essential that work is produced in connection to the studio. Although we are not working together within this brief, it was decided that the zines we produce would work together as a series that can be added to in the future.

The main aim for the brief is to focus on a particular culture that revolutionised the medium of the zine. Looking into these sub cultures would stand as the main research within the brief however I will also look at the particular culture/ issue in detail. The research I complete for this project will heavily influence the content and look of the final zine so it is essential that each element within the design process is looked at in detail.

To start the brief I looked into different cultures that used zines throughout the years. Having focussed on a similar subject within my COP module, extending on this and looking into more detail will give me a better understanding on what my final outcome will be. The first sub genres I looked into include:


-feminism, riot grrrl and the suffragette movement

-punk zines from the 1970s

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