Tuesday 1 December 2015

OUGD404 - Study Task 07 - Folds

Danny's lecture explored further what a book is. We looked at how folds can be used within publications with a video of Jan Tschichold's pop up book showing folds manipulating paper into an alphabet. 

This was shown to give ideas and add to research for my own publication which could incorporate some of the same features.
Danny showed us other books that used folds within the design. Some books used folds to contain the publication such as a cover whilst others used folds within pages to add to its design. Because of the range of folding techniques and ideas I have been influenced to research more varying folds as is something I may use within my own book.

The study task that ran alongside this lecture asked us to create our own folded design  with an A4 piece of paper. We were then tasked to produce a how-to guide for our chosen folding technique. To help with this study task I looked to books such as 'how to fold' and guides to folding and origami shown online. After gaining more understanding of the processes and ideas behind techniques I produced my own design and guide.

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