Tuesday 1 December 2015

OUGD405 - Study task 02 - symbols

Today's study task will give me a better understanding of pictograms and symbols. The information and skills learnt in this session can be put to use within my way-finding brief to help better convey a message I may wish to produce for my project. The task has us creating a monotone pictograms for a chosen Olympic sport.

Before experimenting with my own ideas I looked into previous Olympic pictograms for research and inspiration. I found the pictograms used were often abstract and were more complicated than just a stick men doing sports. 

Some examples such as those from the Beijing Olympics used flowing lines and took out sections of people and objects whilst others were more detailed showing the curvature of an athletes body. Some examples can be seen below.


Other pictogram examples within the Olympic history show colour and the use of negative space being a largely reoccurring theme throughout. With one single design it wouldn't be appropriate for my link to be colour but it is something to note for use within my own way finding brief. 



These pictograms have influenced my own experiments. I wanted to create a design with short flowing lines creating a more minimal pictograms. I started with preliminary drawings in my sketchbook and on gridded paper. Once I was confident in my design I created a final pictogram on illustrator. 

i tried to use minimal and little mark making to produce my design as I didn't want it to be necessarily very obvious what sport was. I found it was a fine line where my pictogram changed from being legible to hard to understand and it was because of this that I drew more experiments on paper before moving to the mac than usual.

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