Thursday 21 April 2016

OUGD406 - Studio Brief 04

This brief asks me to reflect on my year on the course and focus on something I have found difficult. I must then create a piece of design related to this problem I have faced. This design can either make a statement, comment, observation or can give advice.

One thing I found particularly difficult when starting uni was constantly being surrounded by work. Because I am so close to uni and I do a lot of work in my room, I have found it hard to get away from work. I found this particularly difficult whilst I had a job however, since quitting have found exploring and taking photographs with my friends a good way to relax. Exploring Leeds in this way has opened my eyes to spots around the city where it can be good to relax and enjoy.

The idea I've had is to create a piece of design that shows my favourite places around leeds through photography. I feel like there are a number of ways I can do this. I have therefor made a list of my ideas so far. 

1. A set of posters on a few specially chosen spots around Leeds could work well for this brief. Using my own grid system I could arrange photos so they are attracting for my target audience. These posters could be pasted around the universities so students are inspired to visit the spots and also enjoy them.

2. A small photographic zine would be appropriate for this brief. I could use a distinctive and unique layout may be suitable for my target market.

3. My last idea would be similar to the second. I would create a leaflet like a poster zine that would display images or a design across it. This would work well if I am to include a map of Leeds as could be displayed on the poster side.

To help me decide my outcome I asked a crit group which idea would work best. The group opted for the poster zine as felt it would be the most interesting way to explore the topic. I next want to research other similar publications. This will include photo books and other poster zines.

I looked at some other poster zines as research to help inspire my first look at the project. 


I asked a number of questions at my first critique to help me with the content of my book. The questions I asked were:

how do you like to rewind and relax when out in Leeds?

People noted they like to find new places and explore whilst other people felt they were relaxed as long as they weren't in the studio. One responder said they go to the roof garden at Headrow House for cocktails to relax. 
Do you think my poster zine idea is appropriate for my chosen topic choice?

The majority of my feedback concluded that the poster zine was the best way the progress with the brief however two people felt a normal zine would work better.

When you think of being relaxed, is there any colours, shapes or places you think of? 
I found from my responses that blue, orange and green were considered as being relaxing. As are beaches, fields and a sunsets. One response mentioned that organic shapes were relaxing.

It is necessary that I use an appropriate typeface for this brief. Through research I found out that serif typefaces are the easiest to read. Despite this, I feel the simplicity of san serif fonts will mean they will work better in the context of my poster zine. This is most obvious when placed on a coloured background. This can be seen well in Acne's branding.

I looked at a number of typefaces that I thought may be suitable for my publication. These ranged from obvious choices to less commonly used fonts.

I have decided to use Montserrat as it is legible at small sizes. This is good for my publication as the book part of a poster zine is usually A5 or smaller. This typeface isn't commonly used which I think adds to its suitability.

I decided to look further into my chosen topic. I wrote down words I feel link well to 'relax'. These were:

I have researched how colours can relate to my words. From this I found that the colour blue can mean calm.

'Blue is the colour of the mind and is essentially soothing; it affects us mentally, rather than the physical reaction we have to red. Strong blues will stimulate clear thought and lighter, soft blues will calm the mind and aid concentration. Consequently it is serene and mentally calming.'

I also out found that green can mean peace, harmony, refreshment and rest. Yellow is noted as being visually stimulating and that it can lift spirits and self esteem whilst orange is said to make you feel in physical comfort.

All these colours work well for my brief. I will use them during experimentation to help me choose the most appropriate.

I also looked into objects and shapes that link with my theme. These were often rounded and organic looking. I feel like a similar design will fit well into my publication because of the rounded typeface I have decided to use.


I had a number of ideas for what I could put on the poster part of my design. As this is such an important feature of the publication, it was important that my design was appropriate and linked with the rest of the zine. I sketched some preliminary ideas first to start. I looked to my research on appropriate colours and shapes for inspiration.

These sketches progressed onto illustrator and photoshop where I was able to play with effects and look at creating more professional looking designs.

I feel these experiments were successful as linked well with my relaxed theme. The fading circle took the shape of a rising or setting sun. This was also noted as being relaxing within my first critique so fits well within the idea.

Another idea I had for the poster was having an easy to use map of Leeds so the reader can easily visit the places my publication. I created this map on illustrator and based it off google maps for accuracy. 

I added this map to the circle design I used in my earlier experiments and developed the design with some photoshop features.


I started my experiments using a light shade of blue as this is a colour I found through research to relate to calmness and serenity. However, I decided to change to orange as I feel the brightness adds a more positive feel to my designs. I will use this shade of yellow for the rest of the project.


I decided to go around Leeds and document the places I felt were most relaxing. I wrote these locations down in my sketchbook and photographed what I saw.

I took these photos with my DSLR so the photos were of a high quality. Despite taking the photos on a cloudy day, I feel like they perfectly document their locations. I must now pick which locations I will focus on and which photos I will use. I will do this by looking through my images and choosing accordingly.

I want my publication to show a range of different locations rather than ones that are similar to one another. After taking this and the best photos into consideration, I have decided to focus my publication on:

Headrow House and the view from its smoking area,

Queen Park

The bank of the river Aire

The Hidden stairs showing the cities skyline.

Although I want to direct my target audience to these places so they too can relax there, I don't feel my map works with the rest of my publication because of the illustrative style. Because of this, I have decided that I will include each locations post code on the page. This will make it easy for my audience to find each place yet doesn't have to take up a full page.

I feel like my poster should serve as a form of visual relaxation when hung up. Because of this, I have decided to use the faded circle on my poster design as feel it is the most appropriate out of my ideas. I have then added the words 'chill out' beneath in the same colour scheme. I have stuck to the same grid system as I used in my layout so works well in conjunction to the zine.


The next stage in my project will be to start putting the different parts of my publication together into a gridded layout. I sketched out a number of layout ideas that would work with my theme. 

I was unsure which layout idea would work best so brought my sketches to a group critique. I asked the other designers in my group which idea they liked the most and if there was anything they would add to my designs to improve what I had already done.

After receiving my feedback, I sketched out my final ideas  I placed my images and text onto my complex 10x8 grid system.


I wanted my front cover to have links with the poster design but didn't want it to be too similar. I drew my ideas first in my sketchbook.

I have decided to use the faded semicircle in my front cover like I have within my poster, however this will be enlarged and will spread onto the back cover. I will also put the title of my book within this semi circle as negative space. This represents a rising or setting sun, linking in with my early research.

I mocked up this design on illustrator. I experimented using bitmap on the circle so it was which I decided to place it within my layout. This worked well with the rest of my publication 

I must now print my final poster zine. It is important that I use an appropriate stock if I am to link the paper well with my theme. A soft and light weight paper may work best for this to better construct the ideas of calm and relaxation. Because of this I have chosen to print on 135 gsm paper. My final photos can be seen below.

I feel the final outcome for this brief has been successful, the poster-zine not only works as a good informative publication but the poster part works as a piece of visual relaxation due to the faded circle design and good use of colour.

There are, however, some thing I have felt could have been improved if I were to recreate my final piece. I would print the design on larger stock so the poster works better on the wall. However, I would also use a lighter paper stock as found it difficult to fold my design multiple times without creasing.

Despite this, I feel the design of my publication has been well influenced by research and investigation adding to a more successful response to the brief.

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