Saturday 10 December 2016

OUGD504 - Critique with Only and further development

Recently, design studio Only came in to help give feedback on work done so far for the design for screen brief. I showed the developed wire frames I had previously produced in illustrator. At this point in my design process I felt I had a near complete idea as I understood what features I would be including and had started designing my app on illustrator. However, the critique outlined a number of issues which my peers felt needed improving.

The first suggestion focused on my aim for the app to work as a research tool for people to look for and find the most appropriate font for their own work. My peers felt the app's social media aspect should include a way for user to ask others what they think the best font would be for use within their project. This feature could be easily created by giving users the opportunity to add another caption option. Users can ask: What font do you think would work best? so help can be given with ease.

The group also proposed I added a way for users to download a font they may like. To improve this I will add a simple icon, taking users out of the app to the appropriate source.

My peers noted that there was no incentive for users to comment on other people's work meaning people may be less likely to use the app. One option suggested within the crit was to include a 'like' system seen on other social media apps, where users are rewarded for answering a post correctly or giving feedback on work. This would sit alongside the number of followers on each persons profile.

One thing that was noted as successful during the critique was how there were a number of different ways for people to find the typeface they are looking for. This was something my peers felt was the most important feature so should be accessible wherever you are on the app.

One final thing that was suggested during this critique was to look more extensively at other type finding applications and companies. Examples given include: Font Matcherator, Identifont, Typekit and Whatthefont.

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