Wednesday 14 December 2016

OUGD504 - Adobe Xd

This brief asks me to create prototypes for my brief that are working, animated or navigable. Despite taking part in a number of After Effect workshops to improve my animations skills, I have found the beta program: Adobe Xd to be very useful in the design process. Rather than spending time animating each individual moving element, I can work on the app as if I am using it. This gives me a better idea what it will look like as a finished product and brings me closer to professional design when I would use a similar program to show the client.

One useful feature of Adobe Xd is being able to record yourself as you try out the app you've created. Once I have inserted all images into my app I will use this feature. I then hope to insert this video into Adobe after effects, adding an iphone to the background. I hope this will then make it more engaging for the viewer.

My first experiment with Adobe Xd can be seen below. Although some icons and links are not yet working and photos are missing, I feel it is slowly coming together.

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