Tuesday 7 February 2017

OUGD503 - preparing for print

My client wanted his business card and flyer to be printed as early in the design process as possible so he could continue to expand his brand whilst I continued to develop the identity. I suggested that a test print with limited numbers would be the most viable option as, although these wouldn't be the finished pieces, they could still be distributed to help his business grow.

I looked into different ways this work could be printed. Looking at the brief, I made note to focus on cost and quality. From this I found the following options the most suitable:

Uni Print Room
Print cost can be low but as I would have to produce and then cut out each card and leaflet, the process would be time consuming. Although there are a number of stock options available, many are not appropriate and bringing in my 

Professional companies will produce more luxurious and high quality products more suited to my clients needs. Because of this, I have looked further into different local and national companies which may be more appropriate for this brief.

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