Monday 9 January 2017

OUGD504 - Evaluation

One thing that I feel has helped my project considerably has been my broad research on Monotype as a company. From evaluating their history and looking at design features they themselves have used, I believe my response has suitable links  that work well to fit within the brands aesthetic. My ‘social media of typography’ app gives users multiple different ways to find a font. This is something that will attract a large amount of users. 

Because this design for screen project allowed me to write my own brief, I was able to set myself points and targets to help guide me smoothly through the work. Such points included creating an app that was immersive and engaging by not only looking at the user interface but also the user experience. I did this by considering my design conscious target audience throughout my project. Having a good understanding through research and crit groups lead me knowing the most suitable ideas and features to include in my app.

There were however a few things I felt could be improved. Because of limitations in Adobe XD there were features I had to change from my original wireframes which could have worked better if they were as first planned. One such example was not being able to add keyboards. Although this wasn’t necessary within the final video, would have better demonstrated some of the features. Another exmple was the navigation bar at the top of the screen on each page which went out of view as you scroll down the content. Both of these problems couldbe solved by a develper. This point also demonstrates the importance of choosing the correct developer for the work that is being produced. The lecture and further research has informed me about the use and importance of working with developers during a digital design process.

Overall, I feel my design layout provides clear links to the target audience has in turn helped with the user experience. I feel that putting this first has helped me design a mre interesting brief as I was able to explore what other people would want for an app such as this.

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