Saturday 8 April 2017

OUGD503 - Up Yer Sleeve - developed ideas

My last critique helped me decide on my three most appropriate ideas. These are the typographical response, folded heart and wax/ watercolour illustration. I first developed these further using sketches and moved on after using the most appropriate media.

Typographical response

I wanted to produce a typographical response based some of the lyrics  in the song. The lyrics that I felt were most appropriate for this were:

100 days for this heart to unfold

Wait a minute. Maybe I need to slow it down just a little. Take my time

I had a man tell me things. Made me feel just like a queen and I thought

I noted in my original sketches that I wanted to use an old American style font as this was used within the 100 days, 100 nights music video as well as on Sharon Jones' website. 

I wanted to also experiment with the colour of type within this response. Within feedback I found that responding to the song with colour would work well to link everything together. 

Folded heart

I experimented with a number of different hearts for this. First looking at origami where I produced a number of different results. Unfortunately, It may be difficult to produce 100 photos using this method however, it will be experimented with later into the project.

I also looked at folding a heart in my own way. The final look of the heart didn't look as good as the origami counterpart however there seemed to be more stages so may be more appropriate for the 100 photo idea. The first photos of these hearts can be seen below.

wax and watercolour illustration
I illustrated Sharon Jones' face a number of times in a number of styles so I knew which would be most appropriate for the idea. These sketches are seen below.

After working on each style, I came to the conclusion that the shadowed illustration worked best as more of the face would be seen when paint is poured over it. I produced a digital version of this as felt it would be more neat and work better than a hand drawing. This also enables me to print the design a number of times for experimentation.

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