Thursday 6 April 2017

OUGD503 - Up Yer Sleeve - Research

I have decided to note down my initial observations from when I first watched the video sent to me by Cameron as felt these could be helpful within the design of my album cover.

I also looked over the lyrics of the song as felt they could influence some of my initial ideas. This helped extensively as I was able to take a few lines for further use.

These were Wait a minute
Maybe I need to slow it down just a little

100 days for this heart to unfold
100 days, 100 nights
To know a man's heart

But one day
I looked around
That old man
Was nowhere to be found

I started the research for this brief by looking at previous album cover for Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings. The consistent use of orange works well to portray the upbeat song and her powerful voice and would be appropriate for my own design. 

I looked on Sharron Jones' website for inspiration and found the recurring use of western style typography. Using a similar font within my work for this brief would show a distinct link between the artist and record cover.

I also found similar typefaces being used within album covers of the same genre as well as alternatives that would work equally as well for the artist.

Other album covers

Finding typography from soul and funk albums has led me to look at other album covers from these genres.

The recurrent use of colour, especially blues and reds stand out and are popular for albums like this. The two examples above have background beams of light behind the subject in the foreground. This works well, especially for the genre and era the albums come from. I feel that an updated and more modern version of this would work well and will be looked at within experimentation.

Whilst looking at soul and funk record covers I noticed that many recurrently used mixed media. This usually focussed on photography and illustration together. This is used within Sharon Jones and the Dap-kings album: Naturally.

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