Tuesday 4 April 2017

OUGD503 - Up Yer Sleeve - Brief & plan

Last year I was fortunate to be able to take part in Secret 7, a competition to redesign the album cover of a choice of 7 songs. Unfortunately, this competition isn't available this year and so 3rd year graphic design student Cameron Wolfe has created a similar competition for students at LCA. Unlike Secret 7 where I had the choice of which song to work on, I have been given 100 days, 100 nights by Sharon Jones. Having a more restrictive brief like this forces me to push my ideas further for this one song without spending too much time caught up on which song I want to redesign.

I have decded to give myself 5 days to complete this project to test time keeping abilities within a brief. I have created a vague time plan that I hope to stick to across the five days.

Day 1
preliminary sketches

Day 2
pick 3 ideas to develop
develop sketches from feedback

Day 3
additional research
start final pieces

Day 4
develop finals and aim to have complete
by the end of the day

Day 5
finalise project, finish writing up

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