Friday 7 April 2017

OUGD503 - Up Yer Sleeve - Ideas and Feedback

As this is a brief I will be completing within a short time frame, I have decided to start sketching some ideas straight after my initial research. I also feel that I now have good enough knowledge of the song and artist to produce good conceptual work. I first sketched a number of ideas to help start this process. These are seen below.

As I had 9 different ideas within my preliminary sketches, I brought this to a small critique for feedback and help with my development. I first played the youtube video of my song to my critique group so they had a better understanding 

1. Which ideas do you think are conceptually the strongest?
My group felt the folded heart idea linked well with the meaning of the song. They felt that 100 different photos used similar to a contact sheet was most appropriate however one folded heart would also work well.

Another idea which was found to be conceptually successful was the typographical response using lyrics from the song. I feel that further development of this idea would push it 

2. Which sketched ideas best suits the song's upbeat and colourful melody?

The idea using wax and watercolour works well to represent the songs melody. To progress with this idea, illustrations will first be made then experimented with. Th

3. Which ideas don't work as well?

Despite preferring such ideas as the folding heart and... , my group felt that aspects of each sketch worked well and could be brought into my developed designs. This included using typography seen on music videos and the artist's website and experimenting with mixed media.

After taking part in this critique I have decided to develop three different ideas. These are the unfolding heart, the wax and watercolour paint of Sharon Jones and the typographical response using lyrics from the song. Focussing on three different ideas will give me the opportunity to choose the most appropriate idea through feedback later in the project.

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