Monday 27 March 2017

OUGD503 - Collaborative - Evaluation and presentation slides

This year’s collaborative group within the responsive module was different to other collaborative projects undertaken whilst on this course. Our team consisted of four graphic designers, each with different skill sets to produce an outcome for the Monotype brief. This was a vague brief which gave us the opportunity to explore our ideas through a number of different outcomes. This also meant we enjoyed the brief more as had more control over the results. We found that we worked together well, bouncing suggestions off each other at team meetings and building a strong concept that worked well for the brief.

Our team’s interest in this sub-culture certainly helped us to develop final outcomes that were to the best of our ability, appropriate for the brief and well informed by conceptual research. It has inspired us to look further in the topic and get a good understanding of the culture behind tattoos and different people’s opinion on them.

I feel we were able to split our roles fairly so each of us had an equal amount of work. Although this included the main work load within the project, this came all the way down to who did what research and who helped complete the presentation slide for submitting to the competition. Each member was able to work to our strengths with Jen and I working on photography and art direction, I also was able to focus on the poster design, looking into type and image extensively.

In future collaborative projects I hope to work in a group similar to what I have done within this brief. Our time keeping, communication and positivity to work is something I hope to do again. Although I feel our group was successful, I would have like to experienced working with a student from another course at College. This could have pushed communication problems further and could have produced some interesting final results.

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