Monday 6 March 2017

OUGD503 - Collaborative - Choosing a brief

After looking through the available YCN and D&AD briefs for this collaborative project, I decided that I wanted to do the Monotype brief. This brief from D&AD asks to produce a typographical posters which identifies a culture, community or country that is misunderstood, misrepresented or underrepresented. It is important that both a physical and digital element is included within the final piece as well as one other touchpoint however the rest of the brief was open to interpretation.

I have decided to group together with 3 other graphic designers from my class as we believe we have different skill sets that we can bring to the project. The students I have partnered with are: Jen Lea, Sam Hughes and Anna Farmer.To start our work we decided to meet and brainstorm our ideas to find out how we could progress and tackle the brief. We produced a number of mind maps to help get ideas down as quick as possible. These can be seen below:

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