Monday 13 March 2017

OUGD503 - Collaborative - photography research

As both Jen and I have experience in photography, we have been selected to photograph the models for this project. I have decided to look at how body parts could be portrayed within our campaign through research to help guide our own shoot. This is what I have found:

Ted Tahquechi
This American photographer was left blind after a car crash in 1999 where he found himself having to explore new was to portray his world on film. His project, 'Landscapes of the Body' gives an insight into what he sees. His series of images beautifully show how light wraps around the natural curves of the human body.

These images has shown me the importance of light within photographs of the body. The coherence of B&W images with models of different ages, ethnicities and body sizes works well with the idea that all people are the same beneath the skin, running throughout our brief. 

This New York based photographer has previously created a series of images showing type impressions. These images were created by pushing type blocks onto the skin and photographing the results. 

The final photographs are cropped so only the skin can be seen within the image which draws the eye the type easier.

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