Sunday 5 March 2017

OUGD503 - Gilly Cuts - Critique and development

I brought my final designs to a critique with a number of my peers present to help me with feedback. I also brought my previously printed business card and leaflet to show the improvements I had made. My peers agreed with me on the things I felt needed changing from my original test prints such as changing the type on the business cards and the addition of photography onto the leaflets. Despite this, they thought that some of the changes I had made could be improved slightly. They felt the bold grey type was too dissimilar to the logo on the apposing side of the card however the gold background and white type worked well. One friend recommended reducing the type size to around 12-14 pt and changing the typeface from bold to regular for less important text. These changes can be seen below.

I also decided to look at recreating the reverse of the leaflet design using photographs from the shoot on the design. The front will use my leaflet's first idea as was found to be more appropriate when coupled with a photo. These will be printed with the business cards when booked by my client.

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