Friday 10 March 2017

OUGD503 - Collaborative - Group meeting

Our collaborative group met together to discuss the research we did individually. This has helped significantly as has shown the different ways we can progress with the brief. As we previously split researching roles we found we had extensive research into all areas within the tattoo culture.

Sam looked into different styles of tattoos from different cultures across the world as well as the origin of tattoos and what they can mean. This research is useful for the progression of our brief as has shown us which styles would be most appropriate for use within our final designs.

Anna looked more into the perception of tattoos and found that young people are often more open to tattoos, especially within the workplace. One source even noted how many young professionals believe that dressing badly at work has more negative connotations than having visible tattoos. As we wanted our campaign to focus on the fact that many people are looked down on for the artwork on their body, this research is important when establishing our idea.

This meeting has also enabled us to discuss our initial idea further and develop it into a more substantial project. We have decided to focus on the past present and future of tattoos with a campaign that encourages people to be themselves and express their personality. For example:

Origins and history
-old American style
-prison and gangs

-Tattoos in the workplace
-Negative space

-expressing yourself with ink
-'use your voice'
-Don't hold back

Our idea is to photograph and video models without tattoos. We will then add tattoos to their skin in various styles researched previously by Sam. These will portray the message that you shouldn't be judged by what is on your skin and that people tattoos shouldn't be looked down on. We have a number of ideas on how to do this such as using a projector onto the models, using paint, stick on or letraset and digital manipulation however this will be experimented with during our photoshoot next week.

Our brief asks to create one poster, one digital element and one other touchpoint. This is how they will be produced:

The photographs we produce in the studio beneath recurring and eye-catching text 

Digital element
A video element to work alongside the photographs where we scope in on the tattoos we have created and animate them to work for our brief.

Other touchpoint
Physical interaction in a public space, people could draw tattoos onto themselves or others. Could also recreate the tattoos within a public space to show our message on a larger scale.

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