Friday 3 March 2017

OUGD503 - Gilly Cuts - Test Print

These are the designs I sent to the Leeds Printing Company to test print. Although this was only a test print and the leaflet would need to be reprinted once the corresponding photoshoot has been done, these would still be released to the public so it was important that my design was thoroughly checked over. For this, I showed a close design friend who gave them a once over before sending the designs to print.

These test prints can be seen above. Although I am happy with these first outcomes, I am glad that only a small quantities were printed as there is a number of design elements I would like to change before the final print. Such improvements include:

Business Card
Enlarge pt size on back of card 
Look to change the typeface as well for consistency across media

Use other idea once done photoshoot as will work better

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