Monday 15 May 2017

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 02 - Further research & Initial Ideas

I found my initial research informative and useful when understanding how I would progress with the brief. I decided to look at how other artists and designers have responded to this issue as felt this could inform or influence my final design work.

I found campaigns from companies such as Peta and WWF to be useful as the conceptual posters produced were effective and straight to the point. The eye catching and outspoken designs are similar to what I hope to produce within my own project.

The illustrative designs below are aimed towards a younger target audience however the message is clear and stays the same. This may be a good way to produce my campaign as the younger generation may then see the importance of the issue and keep these opinions into adulthood. 

I liked this illustrative response as it works well across various media. It is appropriate for both a younger and older audience and its message is clear.

After this research I started to sketch some initial ideas out in my sketchbook. I wanted a number of varied ideas at the start of the project as this means I can develop my brief in the most appropriate way. Because of this, I sketched out 10 different ideas and made sure each other differed in concept and design.

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