Wednesday 17 May 2017

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 02 - Final Critique

Unfortunately I was unable to attend the final critique because of a hospital appointment for my hand. Because of this, I decided to ask some peers for feedback on my final designs. This included questions specific to my designs.

1. Do you think my final campaign is appropriate for the intended target audience? The use of pastel colours and the san serif typeface chosen was found to work well for these posters. My peers felt the audience would start reading the poster only to find out about my campaign so was effective.

2. Do you think my guerrilla marketing style of distribution is appropriate for my issue? My peers felt that using stickers as well as the posters within my campaign worked well to spread the issue. Posters 

3. Do you think there is anyway I could have improved my campaign? The majority of people I asked felt I could have been more experimental with guerrilla marketing. Suggestions included being able to tear stickers from the posters or making the outcome so it interacts with my audience

4. Any other feedback? Everyone I asked feedback from seemed to like my response to the brief and felt it worked well to grab the audiences attention and inform them about the issue. One peer noted that an informative editorial may have been appropriate to work alongside the campaign and better inform the audience about animal welfare in zoos. This question's responses were informative and could have helped develop my project further if I had more time.

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