Wednesday 17 May 2017

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 02 - Evaluation

This studio brief asked me to create an outcome based on an issue I felt needed to be addressed. I wanted to make sure I had a range of ideas throughout different aspects of the brief. I was able to do this by carefully exploring each subject during the research stage of my brief. Once I had established my focus on the treatment of animals within zoos I researched various areas including the guerrilla marketing techniques of companies and charities, how other designers have responded to this issue and other modern and eye catching poster design.

The research I did lead me on to the design of my poster which I again had a number of ideas which I developed within my design process. These were explored further after informative feedback helping me to produce the experimentation I did on illustrator. These critique's I took part in were important for the production of my final outcomes as helped me pick up on things I may have missed or could improve on. The final critique was most important as gave me a better understanding of how my intended target audience would react to my campaign.

Collaboration was an important part of this brief as I was unable to illustrate myself. I feel my organisation within this brief enabled me find an appropriate illustrator with ease as I did not have to rush the end of my project despite the time this process took. As I had already established what illustrations I needed and how they would best work within my final designs, working with Nenah was an easy process as we were able to comfortably communicate with each other and produce the final outcomes. This is something that I am glad I have done within Studio Brief 02 as finding and collaborating with professionals in this way is something I will be doing in the future. As working with Nenah on this brief was successful, I may also get in contact with her if I am in need of an illustrator in later projects.

My last critique showed me the success of my final outcomes which I was at first unsure of because of how much they had changed from my original sketches. I used pastel colours across the poster series which is a colour scheme I am unfamiliar working with but felt it was appropriate for my campaign. Its consistency throughout the final outcomes made the series more recognisable and brought the project together into a more complete campaign.

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