Tuesday 16 May 2017

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 02 - Guerrilla Marketing

Guerrilla marketing can work well to reach a large audience for a low cost. Through feedback and experimentation of my ideas, I have found this to be an appropriate way to communicate my message to my audience. I have decided to look into guerrilla techniques and examples of campaigns using them.

I first looked into how to how to produce a campaign successfully and found in an interview with Entrepreneur magazine, several guerrilla marketing agency experts divulged that good guerrilla marketing is…

“…unauthorized and disruptive” and “sticky.” – Brett Zaccardi of Street Attack

“…brand activation that isn’t 100 percent permitted by the city, event or establishment.” – Adam Salacuse, Founder and President of ALT TERRAIN

“…is a state of mind. It simply isn’t guerrilla if it isn’t newsworthy.” – Drew Neisser, CEO of Renegade Market

I looked at how charities have created guerrilla marketing as this is similar to what I will be doing within my own project.

I also looked at how companies have used guerrilla advertising to promote themselves as felt it could be useful for my own project.

Vegans protesting meat eating have also created a number of successful outcomes using guerrilla marketing. This can be seen below.

This research has been useful for the development of my designs. Although many examples of this type of advertising interacts with the audiences, some focused on being eye catching, shocking and in the right place at the right time. This is how I would like my posters to work. If the posters are placed near zoos and attract the audiences that visit zoos and help change their perception, I feel this will help them to be successful. I feel that stickers would also work well as guerrilla marketing for this brief. Being less noticeable and less likely to be taken down, these stickers could be placed around zoos so directly effect my target audience.

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