Friday 12 May 2017

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 01 - Target Audience & Tones of Voice

Unity day is an event made for locals which brings together everyone who lives in area. A large proportion of those who attend the day are students as Hyde Park is a hotspot for this target audience. This event also attracts a number of families from across Leeds so my design must be appropriate for all audiences. As there is no promotion of the event allowed until a couple of days prior, I feel like this poster would work well as a freebie given away on the day to commemorate its beginnings. This means it must be attractive to anyone who wishes to take something physical from the event. Because of this, I must also look at how the large audience effects the tone of voice. I cannot focus too much on the destructive origins of Unity Day but more on the celebration of what the event is today. These ideas will be taken into consideration as I design the poster.

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