Wednesday 17 May 2017

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 02 - Distribution and Final Mockups

I decided earlier in the brief that I would distribute my campaign using guerrilla marketing. I would want my posters to be tactically placed so they best influence my target audience. Because of this I would put in places with a large amount of tourists such as city centres. They would also be placed in the area around zoos where those visiting would see the campaign.

Stickers would be given to people out in tourist hotspots and outside of zoos. This gives people the opportunity to either keep the stickers for themselves or sick them around the zoo. As part of the campaign, these stickers could be purposely stuck around enclosures for best effect.

I also decided to mock up some t-shirts for volunteers to wear whilst giving out stickers and posters to the public. This was influenced by some of my original research and felt it could help influence people's opinion of zoos.

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