Tuesday 16 May 2017

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 02 - Poster Experimentation

My first step in my poster production after sketching my poster design ideas was to bring my ideas to illustrator. I first experimented with type and colour. I wanted to use a san serif typeface as felt this would be most appropriate for my younger audience. My experimentation using my chosen slogan can be seen below.

I wanted the colours of my poster to differ from other animal welfare posters looked at in research as felt the serious ideas they portray did not keep my intended audience interested in the issue. Because of this I looked at using bright and pastel colours.

I mocked up my poster sketches using the typeface I had chosen and different colour schemes I had looked at. Within these I felt a space for the illustration.

I have chosen to develop my poster idea for this brief. I have already experimented in my chosen illustrations in sketch form however, because of my broken hand (noted earlier in the brief) these aren't at the standard I would have hoped. Because of this, I have reached out to students on the illustration course at Leeds College of Art to see if anyone would be interested in collaborating on my final outcome. Within an hour I got a response from . After looking through her work, I felt she would be appropriate for my project as she often works in line drawings and has examples of animals within her work.

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