Monday 15 May 2017

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 02 - Progressed ideas & critique

After sketching 10 different ideas I picked three to develop further before bringing to the first critique. I felt these ideas would work best as they were well informed by my collated research and heavily influenced by my own experience with seeing animals in zoos. My developed ideas and more detailed sketches are seen below.

Idea 1: bus stop zoo

Idea 2: illustrative posters 

Idea 3: blog of images showing cruelty within zoos

After developing my three ideas, I brought them to a critique for further progression. Within this I was able to ask a number of questions about my designs that would help me with progression. As this crit involved peers walking around the studio, looking at work I was able to receive feedback from a large amount of people. The questions I asked and feedback I received is as follows:

1. Do you think my focus on the younger generation as a target audience works well for my project? Some peers agreed with me and felt the focus on a younger audience would have more of an impact than aiming on an the older generation.

2. Which idea do you think best communicates my message in a striking and eye-catching way? Overall I found that peers liked my guerrilla poster campaign and felt it would be the most effective when interacting with my audience.

3. Which idea do you think people will best respond to in a positive and constructive way? The bus stop idea was found to respond best with my peers because of its guerrilla marketing ideas. This idea works west to interact with the audience however, from the outside of the shelter it may be difficult to understand what I am trying to explain.

4. Do you think my printed or digital responses will be most effective for my target audience? Despite the interest and popularity in online campaigns, my peers felt a physical response would better suit my chosen brief.

This feedback has pushed me towards producing an outcome for my 2nd idea as I feel it will be most effective in getting my concept across to my audience. My next stage in the design process will be to research further to help influence my campaign as it is developed and mocked up digitally.

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