Monday 15 May 2017

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 02 - Poster ideas

Although I have previously experimented with the design of my posters during the developed ideas part of the design process, I felt it would be important to explain this in greater detail so my final response is more justified.

My posters would be eye catching, informative and appropriate for my audience who would previously have gone to the zoo including families and other young audiences. These were my main aims when developing three different design ideas for the posters.

I took to my research to help with my slogan and informative paragraph. After considering different options I decided on 'Still want to go to the zoo?' as it questions the viewer on their visit. Within the paragraph I wanted to mention a number of the problems identified earlier in the brief. This included how the enclosures are often unfit for the animals they hold and how they do not add but rather decrease the life span of endangered species despite. I also touched on how zoos think more about the people who want to view the animals than their welfare.

I wanted 4-5 different illustrations to go on each of my posters. For this I sketched some ideas based off my previous research on the conditions in zoos. 

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