Monday 1 May 2017

OUGD503 - Up Yer Sleeve - Final design and evaluation

Overall I feel I have planned this short brief successfully as my outcome has been produced on time and to a high quality. Choosing to produce this brief within a week has tested my organisation and working under pressure. My final photographs are distinctive and have no obvious connotation to the song. This is something I outlined as important at the start of my brief and have considered throughout the design process.

My research into the lyrics of the song and evaluation of the video helped to develop my folded heard concept from small illustration to 100 photo final image. Throughout this however, my concept has remained key and is visible throughout the development.

The final outcome is portrayed through photography with is a response that wasn’t as popular within Secret 7’s finalists. Despite this, I’m hoping my ambiguous and conceptual response is liked by the judges of Up Yer Sleeve.

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