Wednesday 17 May 2017

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 01 - Production

I decided to screen print my poster as this is a process that could be used if the posters were actually made for the event. This process is also appropriate because I used only two colour within my poster making the screen print quick and easy to produce.

As I have broken my hand I knew this process may be difficult however I have experienced doing it so wasn't too difficult with the help of the print room assistant. With my injury I found it difficult to pull and flush ink on to the paper so I was left with prints that had inconsistencies within the large blocks of orange colour.

The top black layer was easier to print as I didn't have to put as much pressure on such a large area of the squeegee. I had produced a large quantity of prints after my first layer as I tried to get all the ink to fill in the block colour, this meant I had room to experiment with the position of the paper beneath the screen. After several attempts I produced a print that I was happy with and could be used as my final outcome within the exhibition.

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