Friday 12 May 2017

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 01 - Initial Sketches

Taking my research on poster design, the event and my target audience into consideration I decided to start sketching some poster ideas. I experimented with different styles including, illustrative, typographical and imagery based concepts. These sketches are seen below.

I took these sketches to an initial critique where I could better focus my ideas for this brief. After talking through my event and noting which results I felt would work best, I asked my peers some questions for feedback. These were as follows. 

1. Which technique do you think would be most appropriate for this event? (type, image or illustration) As I had a number of photographs from last years unity day my peers felt it would be good to experiment with these within different poster layouts. They felt these image based responses would appeal to a wider audience however the type sketches worked well to express the origins of the event.

2. Do you think it is appropriate to include references to how the event originated? The group touched upon this within my last answer. They felt that talking about its origins would better suit the brief and would be informative for those wanting to learn more about the event.

3. Which of my first sketches to you like the most? Although my group thought a number of my sketches worked well and should be developed, they favoured the second typographical design as felt its eye catching design would attract most audiences.

4. What colour scheme do you think would be most appropriate? My research on Unity Day said to focus on orange as it is used on the website and previous promotion however I decided to experiment on illustrator to show this critique group the different colours I could use (seen above). Despite explaining each colour within my experimentation, my peers felt the orange colour scheme would work best on posters. Because of this feedback, I will use it when my digitally create my posters on illustrator.

This critique was useful for the progression of this project. I have been able to narrow down my responses and decided to focus on developing typographical designs for the next stage. As some of my peers within the critique had attended Unity Day the previous year, they felt my current sketches worked well to represent the event.

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