Tuesday 9 May 2017

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 01 - Feedback, Initial Idea Generation and research

I spoke to some peers about which idea would be most appropriate for progression. My critique group for this liked that I had attended each of the events as it gave me a better insight into what happened and how they  should be appropriately portrayed. Although the group felt all three of the ideas would work well, they decided that the Unity Day poster would be best as I live in the area so can ask locals about the event and find out more about its impact on the community.

I decided to look into the things I could focus my Unity Day poster on. I did this using a mind map as it meant I could see all my ideas in one place.

From this I progressed by looking at more general poster research. As I wanted the poster to celebrate Unity Day rather than promote it, this was considered during this research. The first posters I looked at were minimal and contained only simple shapes This will be appropriate if I am to screen print my design as it can be produced with one layer of ink. Despite this, I don't feel the design would work as well for Unity Day's outgoing and community driven portrayal.

I looked at typography based posters as felt this may be an appropriate response for the event. I focussed particularly on eye catching and loud designs as this would work best for Unity Day.

Loud designs such as this commonly use san serif fonts to communicate their message. This works well to capture the audience effectively and sum up the nature of the event.

I also looked at more illustrative based typography posters. These varied in styles however I found the first three designs seen below that use more digital illustrations to work better.

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