Tuesday 16 May 2017

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 02 - Poster Production

After receiving the illustrations back from Neena I was able to develop my poster designs further to better suit the results. I also decided to place the illustrations and slogan onto stickers. This is something I had the idea of doing earlier in the brief as felt it would work well to incorporate within my campaign. These stickers could be given to my target audience as they enter/leave affected zoos giving them the opportunity to keep for themselves or to share the message with others as they're stuck in various public places. These developed designs can be seen below Neena's illustrations along with the stickers.

I edited some of Neena's designs in illustrator a little to better suit my ideas.

There were a few things I wanted to develop within my poster design. I first looked whether the illustrations would look better on a white background as they didn't stand out as much. This worked better as the illustrations were easier to see. I also felt the posters were too simple. I added a fold in the bottom right of the image and a + to show that it is an issue that is ongoing and has no sign of stopping. 

I pushed ideas further on my design adding lines across the poster to show how the animals are trapped. The designs below are my final developed posters.

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