Monday 15 May 2017

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 02 - Brief and initial research

This brief is set in two parts. The first focuses on the research element of my brief as this must be extensive and appropriate both visually and contextually. The brief asks to find a social, political or ethical issue that will then be tackled within my practical work. Once this issue has been identified I must 'tap into' the specific subject area during the research stage of the design process so I have a good understanding of how I will tackle the practical part of the brief.

The first part of this brief was based on the research I undertake and included a presentation suggesting which issue I would want my project to be based on. Prior to this, my initial research on current issues will provide me with a number of options for development. I felt it would be important to focus on an issue that I was either interested in or have previous knowledge on. In turn this will provide me with a good starting point to the brief and help me produce a project to the best of my ability. It was then important that I researched every aspect of the issue so I had the best understanding I could for my practical work.

I decided I would list a number of issues I felt were important and could be developed. This can be seen below:

Despite previously being a popular tourist attraction, the documentary Blackfish outlined the issue to the world and it quickly became noticed by many people calling on Seaworlds treatment of animals. Thankfully, through research I found that Seaworld have started to tackle the issue and are slowly turning their attraction into wildlife sanctuaries.

As this issue is on its way to being resolved I looked into the poor treatment of animals within zoos and found that this is still an ongoing issue. Because of this, it could work well for this brief.

Anxiety within teens
This is an issue that has been noticed more and more within recent years. Many of those with anxiety are previously unaware they are effected however this is partly down to the awareness of mental health within younger people. A campaign for this would be useful, especially within a university where the issue must be outlined.

Black Lives Matter within the UK
Last year I attended the BLM march in Leeds. Although I was previously aware of the issue, I was unsure of the facts or what the campaign stood for. Once the points were outlined within speeches on the day I had a better understanding of the issue as well as the importance of it being shared.

Guantanamo Bay
Since opening in 2002, this prison in Cuba has been outlined in the media for torturing and unfairly prisoning its occupants. This is an issue that continues despite constant coverage within the press.

Being an issue that effects everyone within the EU, it is an issue that I feel many people don't fully understand. A campaign that explains the issues for and against Brexit would be invaluable for the younger generation who have the least amount of knowledge on the subject but may be heavily effected by the result in the future.

I have decided to focus on the cruelty of animals within zoos as this can be explored within a number of different ways and has the opportunity to impact people's opinions through a successful campaign. My next stage in the design process will be to develop my research and produce the presentation to explain my idea.

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