Sunday 29 April 2018

OUGD603 - Casper Tape - Poster

As my recent critique feedback suggested I produced some posters to add to  the project and help it become more substantial, I decided to experiment with how I would do this effectively so the design is different to the tape but is still obvious they are connected.

I looked at producing my posters using the same features used within the casper tape cassette. I laid these out in various ways, using mine and Jack's experiments as a referee to how it could look. I created three distinctively different poster designs to show to Jack before being printed.

For these poster ideas I used the same pastel pink and black colour scheme chosen earlier in the brief for the cassette covers. Staying consistent with the previous designs will be essential for the Casper Tape brand to be more recognisable within the electronic music community. Influences from past research on poster, record and cassette design however being distinctive was a priority as previously mentioned within my brief.

Although all three of these designs are pretty similar, I knew it would be important to show Jack different poster options as he was so picky whilst I was producing the cassette design.

After showing him my three ideas he chose the second design however gave me some feedback and added what he wanted changing. These improvements are seen below. 

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