Sunday 15 April 2018

OUGD603 - WYS - Initial Sketches

To help start the design process I produced a site map show each page will link together.

Once a site map had been produced and I had a better idea what pages would need to be created to have a complete and usable site, I started sketching different layouts that could be used to inspire later wireframes. Previous notes focussing on usability, visual identity and keeping the website interesting were kept in mind when producing initial sketches.

Wireframes were produced on illustrator, using my initial sketches and previous research to influence the designs. These wireframes will not be the final layouts for the site as they will be developed throughout my design process.

The next stage in the design process will be to bring the wireframe ideas onto Adobe XD. There are a number of different options for how the site could be built. These will be explored when I have a better idea how the site will look and work.

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