Thursday 12 April 2018

OUGD603 - WYS - update

As WYS now has a clear identity with a logo being created and typeface chosen for headings and body copy, further work can be completed for the brief.

As noted within the first blog post explaining the brief, the tasks will be split between Ben and I equally. The deliverables that are left to complete include: digital content such as the website, shop, social media and content for it, promo pack, merchandise and marketing/ advertisement. As I am more proficient on the website creating programs Adobe XD and Muse, it was decided that I would focus on the digital aspects within the brief. Ben would then focus on the promotional pack and printed work which would be used to inform artists we want to work with about the work we produce, the kind of artists we work with, and inform our audience about who we are and what we do.

Although the majority of the work I produce for this project will be digital content and Ben's would be printed matter, it is essential that we regularly work together and communicate so are producing content within the brand guidelines and will be recognisable whether everything is seen together or as separate pieces of work.

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