Sunday 29 April 2018

OUGD603 - Casper Tapes - Final Designs and Evaluation

This project has been useful in learning how to effectively speak to the client. Working side by side with Jack has meant that I can efficiently translate both his and my ideas into an appropriate outcome. This has meant I could guide him into choosing the outcome I thought worked best by talking him through the idea more thoroughly in person and showing him how it works effectively. This worked especially well during experimentation where, despite changing the final outcome considerably, I had a better idea of how the final would look in his eyes.

As I was working more hands on with my client, I found it difficult to stick to my original time plan as I often had to work around Jack's schedule as well as my other projects. Despite this, I nominated a day a week to focus completely on Casper Tape giving myself a fresh look at the project every time I spent time working on it. Towards the end of the project

My extensive research on this brief helped me to focus more on the target audience which in turn helped influence the look of the final outcomes. Looking into 1990's rave posters and work from the genres that inspire the client's music have helped to decide on the chosen hand made style used throughout the work produced.

Consistency has been key to standing out in this project, continuing the colour scheme and handmade feel across all media produced means the project is instantly recognisable from promotion to after the release. This has meant choosing a specific paper that works across the cassette cover, poster and social media. It was difficult to find the exact salmon colour used in experimentation however we decided to compromise after experimenting with a lighter pink and dark blue whilst printing.

Overall the work produced for this brief has stuck to the considerations and requirements stated at the start of the brief which in turn has helped to finalise a brief which was completed in time and to the best of my ability. The work produced suits the industrial music being released and was liked by the client, which is the most important factor when producing a live brief.

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