Saturday 28 April 2018

OUGD603 - Secret 7 - further research and developed idea

After choosing which idea I would develop and researching into punk iconography, zines, posters and record covers as well as the song itself, I must start developing the idea. I want my outcome to have various illustrations covering the whole sleeve. I found some artist research which a help influence my designs.

 I started experimenting with various illustrative styles that could be used to cover the album sleeve. For this I started just using faces and patterns, these could be used alongside my own illustrations.

I feel that collaged together like in the research I did of punk zines and posters, my illustrations would work well. I listed as many illustration ideas as I could down; I will draw all of these and selectively choose the best ones to include on the final outcome.

A Punk zine
group of rockers
punks, hairsyles obvious?
cymbals (clash)
London skyline
downward arrows
punk symbols
Union Jack
Something relating to Sniffing Glue (the punk Zine)
Cigarettes and lighters
punk clothing
safety pins
sad faces
strange streets (lyrics)
end of the world/ judgement day
child growing up
the clash's previous names
thrown out a door
stairs (lyrics)

I sketched these ideas out in a rushed way. I felt the sketched style suited the handmade and rule breaking style seen within punk media. This is seen below:

I scanned in the illustrations I made and started placing them on an album cover. It was essential that I placed the different parts of the song effectively on the cover. I decided to start with positivity at the top of the cover and work down, following the depression of Joe Strummer. I included different ideas learnt from research such as Strummer's encounter with a gang of rockers, money trouble and relevance to London.

After placing the illustrations effectively on the cover I started experimenting with colour. My research into punk culture and their anarchist ideas helped decide to focus on red. This will also help me to stand out against competition. I will also experiment with black linking to the depression themed song. These experiments are seen below.

I also looked at taking individual illustrations I had produced and put them on a cover of their own. These were also experimented with using red and black.


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