Sunday 29 April 2018

OUGD603 - Casper Tapes - Development

After speaking to my client I found that he has decided to release the music as a cassette. Because of this, I must transfer the work I have produced for the vinyl onto a tape cover. Having had cassette tapes around the house when I was younger, I knew that the covers often folded out, giving room for more content or the options to better spread out the designs.

I first looked into different cassette tape webs to do my designs on to see which would suit the work best. I want to take advantage of the fact I have more space now Jack has decided to use a cassette. This will give me the opportunity to add body copy, giving more information about the tape. I have chosen to use the web with two large and two small panels. This will let me add content such as track names and information about slump sounds and Casper Tapes.

I started to bring the record design onto the cassette web. After designing each idea I printed the results out at home and fit them into a plastic case to see how they would look. These results are seen below

1st stage

2nd stage

3rd stage


I showed my client my progress so far, noting that I needed the song names and a description for the body copy.

develop chosen idea further

update with correct text from Hodgy

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