Sunday 15 April 2018

OUGD603 - Casper Tape - Research

Jack was indecisive about how he wanted his record cover and overall identity to look. As stated originally in the brief, I wanted to use Jack's visual influences in a more contempary way however he was unsure what I meant. I decided to show him the Instagram page @poster.reposter. These contempary posters are from designers around the world and are also often electronic music based. The examples below are posters preferred.

After looking at these, my client felt the work I produce should have a more handmade look. I will experiment with what was said in feedback and will research further into how I can translate it into my initial ideas.

After speaking to Jack about his influences in music, I was able to research the genres and artists he mentioned. One of the first things I looked at was rave poster's from the 80s and 90s. These were similar to the previous poster reposter examples Jack previously said he liked.

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