Sunday 15 April 2018

OUGD603 - WYS - Website

Ben and I sat down to discuss the website and how I would continue our brand identity online. The simplistic and easy to use site must give our audience all the information needed to learn about WYS. As we are yet to produce any editorials or merchandise for our audience to buy through our site, it's essential that it remains interesting and becomes a site where audience return often as new content is constantly available. We talked about the different pages that will be seen online and what each page will do. This is seen below:

Landing page - The first page our audience will see as they open the site. This will include an animation or interactive element to entice our audience and show the interesting kind of work we produce.

Artists - This will be used to show the artists we are currently working with. As books for these artists are yet to be produced, each artist page will give information about the projects and products we are involved in. This will be the main content on the site when it's first launched so the design of the pages must be consistent, easy to navigate and visually interesting. These ideas will be considered throughout the design process.

Contact - This will link straight to the WYS contact email making it easy for our audience to get in touch with us.

Events - Although we have nothing planned yet, we have ambitions to create a launch night for WYS and exhibitions for the books we produce in the future. A gif or animation will be shown on this page to inform our audience what's going on in an interesting way.

Info - This page will be one of the most important on the site as will give more information about who we are as a brand and as a business.. We decided to split this into different headings. These are the core idea, how it works and why it works. Links to our social media will also be available here.

Shop - This is the part of the site we are yet to work out however it is important that our audience can buy work from us directly and through our website. I will experiment with the different ways of including a shop when developing the site

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