Tuesday 24 April 2018

OUGD603 - Secret 7 - Record sleeve research

As I have chosen which idea I am to progress with, I must start to research what my illustrations will show. I must also decide what text I use on the design.

I first looked at various album covers seen during the punk rock era to help develop my ideas as in my brief I decided the cover I produce must be appropriate for the era.

Punk posters had a similar look to punk zines using collage and hand written text even for bigger bands such as The Clash. Photographs and illustrations were also used within designs and will help to influence my design.

I also look into punk imagery such as music zines which were extremely popular at the time when the song was released. This will help me to produce different imagery based on the song. These zines were hand made and distributed cheaply using a photocopier. Man of the designs used collage and hand written text. These mediums would be appropriate for my own record cover outcome.

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