Sunday 15 April 2018

OUGD603 - WYS - Social Media

As part of my role producing digital content for WYS I will look to extending the identity across social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram. Consistency is key when giving WYS an online presence so we are easily recognisable by our target audience. To help understand the best way for us to be portrayed online I looked to similar design and publishing studios and how they presented themselves. I then looked further afield at other social media pages that stand out and work well to attract a larger audience.

Social media research helped us to identify that moving image and design work is often used to attract our target audience. As the work we produce ranges from editorial and branding to photography, it should be shown across various outlets. However, our work also varies in style and outcome so we must show the effectively so our feed doesn't look irregular or disjointed. This is especially important on Instagram where all posted content can be seen collectively. To do this we decided to stick to our identity using the back and white colour scheme and chosen typefaces. We then experimented with different ways we can layout work using the photography we did at the techno night Treehouse for how it would work. This can be seen below:

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