Sunday 29 April 2018

OUGD603 - Casper Tapes - Initial Concepts

After researching different things that would influence my design and talking to my client about his ideas, I produced three different identity concepts that I would later bring to Jack for feedback and to decide which to move on with.

1. My first idea was to focus on how Jack said his music is "inspired by various genres with the outcome often having parts taken from many different types of music and presented in a new way." I felt this could be represented well through a simple logo. I wanted this logo to be distinct and instantly recognisable. I decided to look at the spools of a cassette tape as inspiration. Although Jack will be releasing his music on vinyl, it works well in connection to the name. My experimentation is seen below:

These lines in these icons represent the different genres the song uses as inspiration. The circle around these lines represents the song Jack eventually produces. I took the idea of lines in circles and started experimenting with the liquify tool, making the shapes appear 3d or just more interesting. This shows how despite there being so many different types of inspiration within my clients music, the results are always completely different. My responses are seen below.

I experimented with a number of sans serif typefaces as I felt this would work best with the rounded shapes produced for this idea

After the typeface Maison was chosen to represent the casper tape name, I started adding the different design elements to a record sleeve.

2. The second idea focuses on the identity having a handmade look about it however, I would still like this to seem contempary. This could be done using more modern typefaces or experimenting with modern techniques. I also feel laying out text in a ransom note style may work well seeming as though elements of the album cover have been placed down. This is what the experiments below show:

I felt photographs I have taken of my client whilst DJing could be used along side the text I have created. If the images are printed out and photographed the will appear as though they were placed on to the album cover. A photograph of one of the images is seen below:

3. The third idea would be contempary and use obscure typefaces, linking to the varied songs Jack produces. I first found an example of what typeface I could use. Although I'd like to explore various other examples, this was chosen to show Jack what I could produce.

I added the chosen typography to 2 record sleeve designs, influence from research helped to produce the initial artwork. Although everything from the colours used to the body copy would be developed, these covers will work well to demonstrate how the final designs will look.

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