Saturday 28 April 2018

OUGD603 - Secret 7 - Critique

After producing 9 distinctive ideas and narrowing these down to the three I thought best represented The Clash and stuck to the considerations noted within my brief, I brought these to a critique for feedback on which should be developed. 

As this critique was also used to show a number of other briefs, I kept my descriptions of each idea informative but concise. The first Idea I showed was the collaged arrow. Although ambiguous, my crit group felt it would be difficult to produce effectively in the short amount of time I had as it required me going down to London and using film photography to help relate to the era.

The second I idea I showed contained various illustrations portraying the songs meanings and lyrics. The group were also concerned how much time this would take however, after showing them a list I had made with what I would be illustrating, the were more positive and felt this idea would work well to show the clash's punk ideas. Despite this, they suggested producing a number of outcomes focussing on a number of single illustrations. This would give me a larger number of final outcomes to choose from at the end of the design process.

The last idea I showed them was the 'Don't Run' sign. The critique group felt this was the most ambiguous response and also would work with m brief where I noted I want to work within different mediums. This response would include photograph, design on the computer and researching printing techniques. Although the group agreed that this idea would work well, it is essential that I stick to  m time plan and unfortunately, I don't believe I would be able to do this within the time frame I have given myself. Because of this, I have decided to develop the second idea I showed the crit. After listening to my feedback, I will produce various responses using the illustration I produce for this idea.

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