Saturday 21 April 2018

OUGD603 - Mimi - Brief

Visual identity and branding to be completed for fine art, documentary and landscape photographer Mimi Inglis. I spoke with the client to get a better understanding what would be needed in regards to this project. Knowing Mimi well already meant I was able to identify some of the brief considerations prior to our meeting.

At this stage, mimi was unsure how she wanted to progress after uni. Because of this, it was vital that the identity I produce is simple and easily adaptable if she decides to focus on a more specific field within photography. I wanted Mimi's upbeat and happy persona to be identifiable within her branding however when I explained this to mimi she noted the importance in looking professional to her respected audience. She also wanted the work I was to produce for her to be contempary yet have the ability to stay relevant for the next few years.

I was able to talk to Mimi about the deliverables I would produce for her. Speaking to my client and understanding exactly what will be needed for both her and my submission means it is clear from the start of the project what I will be producing so I can effectively manage my time and produce all the work necessary within the identified timeframe. Deliverables include:

Logo type/ also shortened for social media and other smaller parts of the project.

business cards - useful when Mimi is talking to clients

Website - Including this within Mimi's branding gives her a better online presence and can often be more professional than social media when viewing her work online.

Social Media - Usually the first point of call when viewing a photographers work online. Helping to extend her identity across platforms such as Facebook and Instagram will add to the consistent look of her personal branding.

Portfolio - Having a physical portfolio that can be reproduced and given to various individuals is vital for a photographer looking for work.

After speaking with the client, I had a better understanding who the target audience was. Mimi wanted this identity to help her to present herself better online. Despite this, it had further uses such as showing a well rounded portfolio to potential clients. Because of this, I must make sure the work I produce is professional whilst also conveying her personality, as suggested earlier in this brief.

Choosing the right colour scheme will be an integral part of the design process as it will be consistently used throughout her branding. Research into photographer identities and how they portray themselves will help with this.

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