Sunday 22 April 2018

OUGD603 - Secret 7 - Plan

As decided within my brief, I will be producing this whole project within a time constraint of 5 days. As explained, this will help me to work in a concise manner under pressure. Because of this, I must plan my time effectively so I produce the end result within the time limit. To do this I have produced a time plan that I hope to stick to. If any amendments are made, I must adjust my timing accordingly.

Write brief
Research songs and artists
Research into previous secret 7 entries
Research popular album artwork, similar to the 7 songs 

Any further research
Sketch initial ideas. Aim to do around 10

Bring these ideas to others on my course for feedback.
Find 3 best design outcomes.
Develop 3 chosen outcomes and produce initial visual responses

Bring 3 developed outcomes to a small critique for feedback
Choose final design
Finalise design and take on board what was said in the critique.

Write bio for record cover
Submit final outcome
Finish blogging and design boards

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