Sunday 29 April 2018

OUGD603 - Casper Tapes - Feedback from Jack and further research

I showed Jack the 3 ideas I came up with for his record sleeve. He picked out the first and second idea as the best however felt the would work best together. Unfortunately he was against using an icon as his logo and felt the ones I had produced for the 1st idea resembled a cassette tape too much so I suggested using the logo type used used in the second idea. Despite not liking the logos I created he felt the concept behind them worked well and the developed illustrations used more on the album covers I showed were more appropriate. He added that coupling this with the 'hand-made' aesthetic of the second idea would work well. In terms of the colour used, Jack added that pastel colours would work more appropriately than the ones used previously. He suggested looking at the album art for DJ normal as this was similar to how he wanted it to look. The feedback received from talking to Jack will be essential to produce a final outcome that suits his needs, but also I am happy with.

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