Sunday 13 May 2018

OUGD603 - End of module Evaluation

This module has significantly improved my overall development as a designer. I have changed my design process and overall style considerably which in turn has meant I am more excited for the future than I was previously. I believe this progression into a more experienced and professional designer has been solely down too WYS.

As WYS has been such an important and well developed brief, I was unfortunately only able to to produce six out my eight intended briefs. Although these briefs changed as the year progressed, the most substantial were produced for the module. I would still like to complete the briefs I was not able to do this ear as I was looking forward to doing them. This includes producing a football programme in the style of 1970's programmes, showing how design is still relevant and books that will be produced within WYS for a number of photographers.

Previously I had identified an interest in editorial design as it enabled me to work within photography and fashion. When this progressed into WYS at the start of the year, I started to look further into the medium and how it could influence my practice further.

Researching into independent publishing and those producing work for the market has introduced more contemporary graphic design into my practice. After taking inspiration from such designs and applying it in my own unique wa to the briefs within the module, I have slowly developed a style that I am comfortable using and pushing to the limit. This has only become clear towards the of the module whilst reflecting, however more appropriate typography and colour choice has helped me move towards this.

Whilst reflecting, I have noticed some similarities between briefs. The one that stands out is collaboration. This year I have found this easier as I have become more familiar with working with Ben and other creatives on and off the course. This will be an important part of my future with WYS so my practice with this throughout the module will help to improve my practice in the future.

I have also noticed how many live briefs I have done as part of my extended practice. Live briefs have given me the opportunity to work with clients face to face as I would if I was freelance. These briefs have been some of my most successful as I feel I have worked efficiently to the clients needs whilst also producing work that suits my style and that I am happy with. Such briefs include the year book, Casper Tape and Mimi identity. I will take what I have learnt this past year when it comes to working for a client into my professionally role as a graphic design after graduation.

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